Place born
Organisation / Person
1860-1903, railway company, Northern Ireland

Belfast & Northern Counties Railway

1805 - 1903

1878-1924, railway company, United Kingdom

Ballycastle Railway

1812 - 1924

1886-1923, Met Office employee, RNVR Lieutenant, RAF Flight Lieutenant, British

Gendle, Albert Edgar

1809 - 1923

1832-1907, surgeon, British; Scottish

Watson, Sir Patrick Heron

1832 - 1907

1832-1901, botanist; geologist; mineralogist; arctic explorer, Finnish

Nordenskiold, Nils Adolf Erik

1832 - 1901

1832-1913, marine and general engineer, Scottish; British

Howden, James

1832 - 1913

1832-1919, chemist; science journalist, English; British

Crookes, Sir William

1832 - 1919

1832-1906, ophthalmologist, German

Wecker, Louis de

1832 - 1906

1832-1842, engineering company, Bolton, England

Benjamin Hick and Sons

1832 - 1842

1832-1857, railway company, England

Hartlepool Dock & Railway Company

1832 - 1857

1832-1914, dermatologist, French

Fournier, Jean Alfred

1832 - 1914

1832-1897, physician; surgeon; professor, Hungarian

Kovacs, Jozsef

1832 - 1897

1832-1899, Chemist, French

Friedel, Charles

1832 - 1899

1832-1930, physician, British

Dixon, John

1832 - 1910

Hughes, Thomas McKenny

1832 - 1917

Plummer, John James

1806 - 1907

Carus-Wilson, Charles Ashley

1812 - 1942

Kingett, James Charles

1811 - 1916

Basevi, James Palladio

1832 - 1871

active 1832-1922, optician & mathematical instrument maker, Dublin, Ireland

Yeates and Son

1832 - 1922

1832-1893, photographer; inventor, French

Bourdin, Jules Andre Gabriel

1832 - 1893

1832-1910, designer of marine model engines, British; English

Harfield, William Horatio

1832 - 1910

1832-1893, mechanical engineer, American

Babcock, George Herman

1832 - 1893

1832-1901, scientific instrument maker, Irish

Yeates, Stephen Mitchell

1832 - 1901

1832-1906, electrical engineer, British

Andrews, William Stratford


1832-1905, aviation researcher, British

Stringfellow, Frederick John

1832 - 1905

active 1832-1950, chemist, London

Squire and Company

1832 - 1950

Jessop, Friend

1832 - 1882

Woodall, William

1832 - 1901

1832-1844, railway company, British

Midland Counties Railway

1832 - 1844

1832-1891, inventor; engineer, German

Otto, Nikolaus August

1832 - 1891

1832-1928, musical instrument and phonogram manufacturer, London

Barnett Samuel and Sons Limited

1832 - 1928

Crookes, William

1832 - 1919

Kay, Fred Lawton

1811 - 1969

Fowler, William Henry

1807 - 1904

Biggs, Theodore James

1806 - 1906

London and Paddington Steam Carriage Company

1832 - 1834

Stringfellow, Frederick John

1832 - 1905

Grimshaw, Harry

1810 - 1901

1832-1875, sculptor; medallist, Italian

Pieroni, Adolfo

1832 - 1875

1898-1915, magazine, English; British

The Girl's Realm

1811 - 1911

1832-1923, civil engineer, French

Eiffel, Gustave

1832 - 1923

1832-1903, electrical engineer; shipwright, English; British

Wimshurst, James

1832 - 1903

1832-1914, artist, British

Ascroft, William

1832 - 1914

1832-1860, locomotive manufacturer, Darlington, England

William and Alfred Kitching

1832 - 1860

1832-1870, locomotive engineer, American

Colburn, Zerah

1832 - 1870

1832 - 1907, ophthalmologist, Polish born

Galezowski, Xavier

1832 - 1907

1832-1888, telegraphic engineer, English; Britis

Bright, Sir Charles Tilston

1832 - 1888

1832-1913, physicist; metallurgist; inventor, French

Cailletet, Louis Paul

1832 - 1913

1865-1944, zoologist, author, British

Brindley, Harold Hulme

1806 - 1944